[Stovel Press Limited]. River Rampant; Published for the benefit of the Manitoba Flood Relief Fund. Winnipeg, Manitoba: Stovel Press Limited, 1950. First Edition, First Printing. Unpaginated. [pp. 50]. 4to. Illustrated stapled card covers. Chiefly black and white photographs chronicling the Red River Valley Flood of 1950. Light tide-marks to the bottom margins of most pages (unaffecting text or photographs). Overall, very good. “This pictorial record of Manitoba’s great Red River Valley Flood of 1950 is dedicated to all those, in town and country alike, who have suffered loss and damage and misery through the flood; to those many firms, organizations and individuals who from the very outset fought valiantly to fight the flood, giving of their time and strenght in an unselfish and stustained effort to preserve as much as was humanly possible; to those who helped succour and provide places of refuge for those driven from their homes; and to those who have contributed so generously to the Manitoba Flood Relief Fund, which will not only assist materially in rehabilitating the unfortunate flood victims but will, in no small measure, restore to them their faith and hope in the future”. Stapled Wraps. (#1477) $45.00