Mediatorship; 1. Media; 2. Mahamtmas and Chelas; 3. Are Chelas Mediums?


Blavatsky, H.P.


Blavatsky, H.P. Mediatorship; 1. Media; 2. Mahamtmas and Chelas; 3. Are Chelas Mediums? Bombay [Mumbai], India: Theosophy Company (India) Ltd. | Printed by M.N. Kulkarni at the Karnatak Printing Press, N.D. [Circa 1920’s?]. U.L.T. Pamphlet – No. 13. pp. 16. 12mo., measuring 5″ x 7.25″. Textured, twice-stapled card covers. Touch of rubbing to extremities, pages clean, and unmarked; near fine. Stapled Wraps. (#2835) $75.00