Common, Dianne L.; Carol A. Kemp (Illust.). Little Wild Onion of the Lillooet. Winnipeg, Manitoba: Pemmican Pubns, 1983. First Edition, First Printing. ISBN: 9780919143296. pp. 28. 8vo., measuring 23 cm. Illustrated, twice-stapled, card covers. Charming black-and-white illustrations throughout. Bright, clean, and unmarked; fine. See OCLC #15971353. Paperback.Little Wild Onion of the Lillooet is the story of Kelora’s trip along the Fraser River Canyon as she and her people journey to their winter home. THe story takes place during the early 1700’s. The story describes how Kelora and her family prepare food such as berry cakes and camus roots, fish for salmon, and build a winter home. Two Lillooet legens are also related, the first being the story of how the coyote saved the animal people from the river monster, and the second is about how the lenght of the seasons and days were determined.” (#6178) $29.00