Color Categories in Thought and Language


Hardin, C. L. (Ed.); Luisa Maffi (Ed.)

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Hardin, C. L. (Ed.); Luisa Maffi (Ed.). Color Categories in Thought and Language. Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press, 1997. First edition. ISBN: 9780521498005. pp. x, 404. Small 4to. Black and white photographs, charts, tables et al. Appears unread; new. “Twenty-five years ago, Berlin and Kay argued that there are commonalities of basic color term use that extend across languages and cultures, and probably express universal features of perception and cognition. In this volume, a distinguished team of contributors from visual science, psychology, linguistics and anthropology examine how these claims have fared in the light of current knowledge, surveying key ideas, results and techniques from the study of human color vision as well as field methods and theoretical interpretations drawn from linguistic anthropology.” As New. Softcover. (#939) $25.00