[Ukrainian Women’s Organization]. 60th Anniversary of the Ukrainian Women’s Organization, Winnipeg Branch: 1930-1990. Winnipeg, Manitoba: [Ukrainian Women’s Organization], 1991. First Edition, First Printing. pp. 36. 8vo., measuring 6″ x 9″. Illustrated, twice-stapled card covers. Comprises of a complete programme of events commemorating the 60th anniversary of the founding of the Winnipeg branch of the Ukrainian Women’s Organization held on February 23, 1991. Various congratulatory messages from civic, political, and religious leaders. Advertisements by a variety of local businesses, and merchants. Bright, clean, and unmarked with firm stapled, binding; fine. Not found in Peel, BAC/LAC, University of MB Archives & Special Collections. Scarce. Card Covers. (#6457) $54.00