20 Real Photographs of Canadian Rocky Mountains; En Route Canadian National Railways (RPPC)


[Canadian National Railways]

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[Canadian National Railways]. 20 Real Photographs of Canadian Rocky Mountains; En Route Canadian National Railways (RPPC). Vancouver, B.C.: Published for the Canada Railway News Co. Ltd. by the Gowen, Sutton Co., Limited, Vancouver, B.C., Canada, ND [Circa 1920-1925?]. First Edition, First Printing. Twenty black-and-white real-photo postcards housed in a stiff tan envelope. Each postcard measures 5.5″ x 3.7″, and depicts a range of wonderful scenery including: Kamloops Bridge, Crossing Thompson River near Aschcroft, Fraser River near Mt. Robinson Stn, Cottonwood Flats Bridge, Totem Pole (in Jasper National Park), Lower Falls (Smoke Indian River, Jasper National Park), The Ramparts (Jasper National Park), Emperor Falls (Mt. Robson Park), Continental Limited near Lucerce, B.C., Fraser Canyon near Hell’s Gate, Pyramid Lake and Mountain (Jasper Park), Mt. Edith Cavell (Jasper National Park), Maligne Canyon in Winter (Jasper National Park), Mount Erebus (Jasper National Park), Mount Robson, Fraser River, Messiter Lake, B.C., Yale Tunnel, Pyramid Falls, B.C., Fraser River Canyon. No detectable flaws, all postcards bright, clean, and unmarked, and housed in somewhat rubbed stiff tan envelope bearing the original price of $1. Scarce. Unrecorded in OCLC. Not to be confused with OCLC #65672422 with a similar title, however, with different subtitle: “20 real photographs for your snapshot album.” At time of cataloguing not in Peel, BAC/LAC, University of British Columbia Archives & Special Collections. Card Covers. (#1670) $295.00