world war two
Showing 1–12 of 60 results
Abroad: One Year’s Work of...
$345.00[Mittenwald (Displaced Persons Camp)]
In The Trenches; 1914-1918
$64.00Iriam, Glenn R.; Frank S. Iriam
Official History of the Canadian...
$169.00Stacey, Col. C.P.; G.W.L. Nicholson; C.C.J. Bond (Illust. & Maps);
The Crime of Moscow in Vynnytsia
$125.00Stewart, John F., et al.
Russian World Ambitions and World...
$75.00Ilnytzky, Roman; John Finlay Stewart (Foreword), et al.
20th Anniversary Convention: 1945-1965...
$75.00[Ukranian Canadian Veteran’ Association]; J.G. Karasevich (Preface)
Grand Reunion and Get-Together...
$69.00[Ukrainian Canadian War Veterans’ Association]
Jubilee Souvenir, 1887-1937; On...
$189.00[Lieutenant-General Sikevich Fiftieth Anniversary Committee]; Vasyl’ Hultay; Volodimir Sikevich [Сікевич, Володимир; Sikevyč] (1870-1952)
The Wrong Time and the Wrong Place:...
$30.00Love, Myron
The History of the Veteran Movement:...
$65.00Cairns, Alex; A. H. Yetman; Duff Roblin (Foreword)
Memorials to Canada’s War...
$21.00[Government of Canada | Public Affairs Division, Veterans Affairs]
Meeting at Warsaw, August 9th to...
$85.00[International Law Association]
Showing 1–12 of 60 results